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Single Relay ​

The NRelay1 class manages a connection to a single relay, automatically reconnecting if the connection is lost.

Usage ​

Instantiate it with a WebSocket URL, and then loop over the messages:

const relay = new NRelay1('wss://');

for await (const msg of relay.req([{ kinds: [1] }])) {
  if (msg[0] === 'EVENT') console.log(msg[2]);
  if (msg[0] === 'EOSE') break; // Sends a `CLOSE` message to the relay.

If the WebSocket disconnects, it will reconnect automatically thanks to the wonderful websocket-ts library. Upon reconnection, it will automatically re-subscribe to all subscriptions.

Options ​

All options are optional.

  • auth - A function like (challenge: string) => Promise<NostrEvent>. If provided, it will be called whenever the relay sends an AUTH message, and then it will send the resulting event back to the relay in an AUTH message. If not provided, auth is ignored.
  • backoff - A Backoff object for reconnection attempts, or false to disable automatic reconnect. Default is new ExponentialBackoff(1000).
  • verifyEvent - Custom event verification function. Default is nostrTools.verifyEvent.