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Nostr Connect ​

The NConnectSigner class signs events over a relay with a remote signer, according to NIP-46.

Usage ​

First get the user's pubkey and a relay to sign with. This will likely come from a bunker:// URI.

Next you will need to create a local signer instance, connect to a relay, and then create a new NConnectSigner.

import { NConnectSigner, NSecSigner, NRelay1 } from '@nostrify/nostrify';
import { generateSecretKey } from 'nostr-tools';

const local = new NSecSigner(generateSecretKey());
const relay = new NRelay1('wss://example.tld/relay');
const pubkey = /* get the user's pubkey */;

const signer = new NConnectSigner({
  signer: local,

For most applications, you will also need to authenticate with the signer by connecting with a secret.

await signer.connect(/* your secret */);

You now have a NostrSigner object, allowing you to call methods like .getPublicKey() and .signEvent().

Options ​

  • pubkey - The pubkey of the user to sign events.
  • signer - A local signer instance (probably NSecSigner).
  • relay - The relay to connect to.
  • timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for each response from the relay. Default is to wait forever.
  • encryption - 'nip04' or 'nip44'. Default is 'nip04'.


Setting a timeout is highly recommended for production use.

Connect ​

The connect method is used to authenticate with the remote signer. This is required in some applications before you can sign events.

await signer.connect(/* your secret */);

The secret may be found in a bunker:// URI. In some applications it may not be required. You can also call connect without any arguments.

await signer.connect();

Ping ​

NIP-46 also supports a ping command. This can be used to check if the remote signer is still connected.


This method will return "pong", or throw an error if the remote signer is not connected.

Encryption ​

Nostr Connect still uses NIP-04 while the ecosystem transitions to NIP-44.

NConnectSigner lets you specify the encryption method to use. By default it uses NIP-04, but you can specify the encryption option to use NIP-44:

const signer = new NConnectSigner({
  signer: local,
  encryption: 'nip44',


NIP-44 is not yet widely supported by remote signers. If you use NIP-44, you may not be able to connect to some remote signers.
