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Seed Signer ​

NSeedSigner derives a Nostr identity from a binary Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) seed.

The seed is used to derive the secret key according to NIP-06. This method is useful for supporting multiple accounts for the same user, or for sharing a Nostr account with a Bitcoin wallet.

Usage ​

import { NSeedSigner } from '@nostrify/nostrify';

const seed: Uint8Array = /* your seed */;

const signer = new NSeedSigner(seed, 0);


Multiple Accounts ​

To derive a different account from the same seed, just use a different account value.

const signer = new NSeedSigner(seed, 1);

Mnemonic Phrase Signer ​

NPhraseSigner accepts a mnemonic seed phrase, which it uses as the seed.

Internally, this signer uses NSeedSigner. It is essentially the same thing, it just converts the mnemonic phrase into a seed before passing it to the HD Seed signer.

Usage ​

import { NPhraseSigner } from '@nostrify/nostrify';

const signer = new NPhraseSigner('abandon baby cabbage dad ...', {
  account: 0, // Optional account number. Default is 0.
  passphrase: 'very special mother', // Optional passphrase. Default is no passphrase.

const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
const event = await signer.signEvent({ content: 'Hello, world!', kind: 1, ... });